Assigned to AO
The Assigned To AO tab of My Dashboard lists the tasks that have been submitted to the AO and are waiting for attestation.
From this tab, the PC External user who is designated as a Primary Contact for an entity. This user can enter registrations and update entity information. This user can enter registrations, and update entity information. Any changes to an entity performed by the PC user must be attested to by the AO for that entity. will be able to discard Change Requests or Termination Requests submitted for AO attestation if needed. In case of Registrations, the PC will be able to either pull the submission back from AO attestation into a state where the PC can edit the submission again, or the PC will be able to discard the submission. There is an email notification sent to the AO and PC if the PC cancels the submission after pulling it back to the PC.
The tasks that are in the Assigned To AO tab will be displayed to both the associated AO and PC of the covered entity so that both the contacts have the same view. An AO will be able to discard Change Requests and Termination Requests submitted by the PC. This will have the same effect as selecting Reject when reviewing the request. An AO can also send registrations back to the PC if any further edits are needed.
If a PC or AO Change has been proposed in the Change Request, then only the Proposed AO or PC will see the options to Discard the Change Request.
Work Process Type | Available Actions |
New Registrations | Back to PC, Discard |
Change Requests, Terminations | Discard |